Database        RAG1base
Version         3.3
File            rag1pub.html
Date            01-Mar-2019
Curator         Mauno Vihinen
Address         Protein Structure and Bioinformatics 
Address         Lund University, BMC D10, SE-22184 Lund, Sweden
Phone           +46 72 526 0022
Fax             +46 46 222 9328
Email           Mauno Vihinen
IDR factfile
Gene            RAG1
Disease         autosomal recessive RAG1 immunodeficiency
OMIM            179615
GDB             120334
Sequence        IDRefSeq:D0071; IDRefSeq:C0071; UniProt:P15918
Numbering       start of the entry
Funding         Tampere University Hospital Medical Research Fund
Funding         European Union
Comments        sequence entry reference in every entry
Comments        An other related database: RAG2base
ID              #P85-1(1),R716W(1); standard; MUTATION; SRP1,
Accession       R0065
Systematic name Allele 1: g.6546_6548delCTA, c.254_256delCTA,
Systematic name r.254_256delcua, p.Pro85del
Systematic name Allele 2: g.8438C>T, c.2146C>T, r.2146c>u, p.Arg716Trp
Original code   P46
Description     Allele 1: An inframe deletion in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the SRP1 domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the SRP1 domain
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6546..6548
Feature           /change: -cta
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: inframe deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 366..368
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion; inframe
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 85..86
Feature           /change: PK -> Q
Feature           /domain: SRP1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8438
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2258
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 716
Feature           /change: R -> W
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
WBC             13.7
IgA             0.07
IgG             5.12
IgM             0.18
CD3             32
CD4             30
CD4+CD45RA+     1
CD4+CD45R0+     99
CD8             1.2
ID              #P85-1(2),&R829(2); standard; MUTATION; SRP1,BIV
Accession       R0080
Systematic name Allele 1: g.6546_6548delCTA, c.254_256delCTA,
Systematic name r.254_256delcua, p.Pro85del
Description     Allele 2: A complex mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the BIV domain
Original code   P65
Description     Allele 1: An inframe deletion in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the SRP1 domain
Description     Allele 2: A complex mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the SRP1 domain
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6546..6548
Feature           /change: -cta
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: inframe deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 366..368
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion; inframe
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 85..86
Feature           /change: PK -> Q
Feature           /domain: SRP1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: complex
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8779..8780
Feature           /change: ga -> tt
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: complex
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2599..2600
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: complex
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 829..830
Feature           /change: RK -> SX
Feature           /domain: BIV
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
ID              #K86X118(1),#K86X118(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0019
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.368_369delAA, c.368_369delAA, p.K86fsX118
Original code   OS8
Description     Allele 1 and 2; frameshift deletion leading to stop codon 
Description     and premature termination
Date            01-Mar-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11121059
RefAuthors      Santagata, S., Gomez, C. A., Sobacchim, C., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Pasic, S., Cortes, P., Vezzoni, P., Villa, A.
RefTitle        N-terminal RAG1 frameshift mutations in Omenn's syndrome: 
RefTitle        internal methionine usage leads to partial V(D)J 
RefTitle        recombination activity and reveals a fundamental role in 
RefTitle        vivo for the N-terminal domains
RefLoc          Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:14572-14577 (2000)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 86
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 86
Symptoms        Omenn syndrome
ID              #K86X118(2),D429G(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0007
Systematic name Allele 1: g.368_369delAA, c.368_369delAA, p.K86fsX118
Systematic name Allele 2: g.1398A>G, c.1398A>G, p.D429G
Original code   OS5 ref [1,3]; P1 ref [2]; P21 ref [4]
Description     Allele 1; frameshift deletion leading to absent protein
Description     Allele 2; missense mutation leading to amino acid change 
Description     in homeodomain, homodimerization
Date            22-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9630231
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Santagata, S., Bozzi, F., Giliani, S., 
RefAuthors      Frattini, A., Imberti, L., Gatta, L. B., Ochs, H. D., 
RefAuthors      Schwarz, K., Notarangelo, L. D., Vezzoni, P., 
RefAuthors      Spanopoulou, E.
RefTitle        Partial V(D)J recombination activity leads to Omenn
RefTitle        syndrome
RefLoc          Cell 93:885-96 (1998)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 10701853 
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Bozzi, F., Sobacchi, C., Strina, D., Fasth, 
RefAuthors      A., Pasic, S., Notarangelo, L. D., Vezzoni, P. 
RefTitle        Prenatal diagnosis of RAG-deficient Omenn syndrome
RefLoc          Prenat. Diagn. 20:56-59 (2000)
RefNumber       [3]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11121059
RefAuthors      Santagata, S., Gomez, C. A., Sobacchim, C., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Pasic, S., Cortes, P., Vezzoni, P., Villa, A.
RefTitle        N-terminal RAG1 frameshift mutations in Omenn's syndrome: 
RefTitle        internal methionine usage leads to partial V(D)J 
RefTitle        recombination activity and reveals a fundamental role in 
RefTitle        vivo for the N-terminal domains
RefLoc          Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:14572-14577 (2000)
RefNumber       [3]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0013
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0009
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 86
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1398
Feature           /change: a -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1398
Feature           /codon: gat -> ggt; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 429
Feature           /change: D -> G
Diagnosis       Leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Protracted 
Symptoms        diarrhea
Age at onset    1.5 months
WBC             10.6
Total lymphoc   0.6
Eosin           1.36
IgA             <0.06
IgE             500 kU/I
IgG             3.5
IgM             <0.1
CD3             16
CD4             11
CD45RA          <5
CD45R0          >90
CD8             10
CD16            57
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              25
PHA             3
MFT             -
ID              #K86X118(3),R624C(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0036
Systematic name Allele 1: g.368_369delAA, c.368_369delAA, p.K86fsX118
Systematic name Allele 2: g.1982C>T, c.1982C>T, p.R624C
Original code   OS9 ref [1]; P39 ref [2]
Description     Allele 1; frameshift deletion in the exon 2 leading to 
Description     stop codon and premature termination
Description     Allele 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11121059
RefAuthors      Santagata, S., Gomez, C. A., Sobacchim, C., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Pasic, S., Cortes, P., Vezzoni, P., Villa, A.
RefTitle        N-terminal RAG1 frameshift mutations in Omenn's syndrome: 
RefTitle        internal methionine usage leads to partial V(D)J 
RefTitle        recombination activity and reveals a fundamental role in 
RefTitle        vivo for the N-terminal domains
RefLoc          Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:14572-14577 (2000)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 86
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1982
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1982
Feature           /codon: cgt -> tgt; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 624
Feature           /change: R -> C
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia;
Symptoms        Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; 
Symptoms        Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    1 month
WBC             24.2
Total lymphoc   15.0
Eosin           3.0
IgA             0.10
IgE             2000 kU/I
IgG             0.60
IgM             0.13
CD3             80
CD4             50
CD45RA          21
CD45R0          79
CD8             18
CD16            5
CD19/CD20       0.9
DR              35
PHA             2.6
MFT             -
ID              #K86X118(4),@V643X651(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0011
Systematic name Allele 1: g.368_369delAA, c.368_369delAA, p.K86fsX118
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2038_2039insCAGCTCTCAGAATGTGAAA, 
Systematic name c.2038_2039insCAGCTCTCAGAATGTGAAA, p.V643fsX651
Original code   OS12
Description     Allele 1; frameshift deletion in the exon 2 leading to 
Description     stop codon and premature termination
Description     Allele 2; duplication of 19 bp leading to frameshift and premature
Description     termination
Date            26-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-Jul-2000 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11121059
RefAuthors      Santagata, S., Gomez, C. A., Sobacchim, C., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Pasic, S., Cortes, P., Vezzoni, P., Villa, A.
RefTitle        N-terminal RAG1 frameshift mutations in Omenn's syndrome: 
RefTitle        internal methionine usage leads to partial V(D)J 
RefTitle        recombination activity and reveals a fundamental role in 
RefTitle        vivo for the N-terminal domains
RefLoc          Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:14572-14577 (2000)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 86
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: insertion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2039
Feature           /change: +cagctctcag aatgtgaaa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2039
Feature           /note: duplication of 19 bp 2020..2038
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 643
Feature           /change: V -> QLSECESIX
Symptoms        B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
ID              #K86X118(5),E722K(2); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0022
Systematic name Allele 1: g.368_369delAA, c.368_369delAA, p.K86fsX118
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2276G>A, c.2276G>A, p.E722K
Original code   P2 ref [1]; OS10 ref [2]; P38 ref [3]
Description     Allele 1; frameshift deletion in the exon 2 leading to 
Description     stop codon and premature termination
Description     Allele 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            01-Mar-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 4)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 10701853 
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Bozzi, F., Sobacchi, C., Strina, D., Fasth, 
RefAuthors      A., Pasic, S., Notarangelo, L. D., Vezzoni, P. 
RefTitle        Prenatal diagnosis of RAG-deficient Omenn syndrome
RefLoc          Prenat. Diagn. 20:56-59 (2000)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11121059
RefAuthors      Santagata, S., Gomez, C. A., Sobacchim, C., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Pasic, S., Cortes, P., Vezzoni, P., Villa, A.
RefTitle        N-terminal RAG1 frameshift mutations in Omenn's syndrome: 
RefTitle        internal methionine usage leads to partial V(D)J 
RefTitle        recombination activity and reveals a fundamental role in 
RefTitle        vivo for the N-terminal domains
RefLoc          Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:14572-14577 (2000)
RefNumber       [3]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 86
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2276
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2276
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 722
Feature           /change: E -> K
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia;
Symptoms        Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; 
Symptoms        Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    1.5 months
WBC             10.5
Total lymphoc   2.9
Eosin           1.47
IgA             0.13
IgE             1938 kU/I
IgG             0.70
IgM             0.11
CD3             49
CD4             44
CD45RA          <1
CD45R0          97
CD8             12
CD16            26
CD19/CD20       3.9
DR              28
PHA             <
MFT             n.d.
ID              #K86X118(6),K830X(2); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0021
Systematic name Allele 1: g.368_369delAA, c.368_369delAA, p.K86fsX118
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2599_2600delGAinsTT, c.2599_2600delGAinsTT, 
Systematic name p.R829_K830delinsSX
Original code   OS11
Description     Allele 1; frameshift deletion leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination 
Description     Allele 2; complex mutation leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination
Date            01-Mar-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 2)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11121059
RefAuthors      Santagata, S., Gomez, C. A., Sobacchim, C., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Pasic, S., Cortes, P., Vezzoni, P., Villa, A.
RefTitle        N-terminal RAG1 frameshift mutations in Omenn's syndrome: 
RefTitle        internal methionine usage leads to partial V(D)J 
RefTitle        recombination activity and reveals a fundamental role in 
RefTitle        vivo for the N-terminal domains
RefLoc          Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:14572-14577 (2000)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 86
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: complex
Feature           /change: ga -> tt
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: complex
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; G190843; HSRAG1: 2599..2600
Feature           /codon: agg -> agt; 3 
Feature           /codon: aaa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: complex
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 829..830
Feature           /change: RK -> SX
Symptoms        Omenn syndrome
ID              #K86X118(7),Y333X(1); standard; MUTATION; I,
Accession       R0049
Systematic name Allele 1: g.6548_6549delAA, c.256_257delAA, r.256_257delaa,
Systematic name p.Lys86fsX33
Systematic name Allele 2: g.7291T>A, c.999T>A, r.999u>a, p.Tyr333X
Original code   OM8
Description     Allele 1: a frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 2
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the I domain
Description     Allele 2: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11313270
RefAuthors      Corneo, B., Moshous, D., Gungor, T., Wulffraat, N., 
RefAuthors      Philippet, P., Le Deist, F. L., Fischer, A., de Villartay, 
RefAuthors      J. P.
RefTitle        Identical mutations in RAG1 or RAG2 genes leading to 
RefTitle        defective V(D)J recombinase activity can cause either T-B-
RefTitle        severe combined immune deficiency or omenn syndrome.
RefLoc          Blood 97:2772-2776 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6548..6549
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 86
Feature           /domain: I
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7291
Feature           /change: t -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1111
Feature           /codon: tat -> taa; 3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 333
Feature           /change: Y -> X
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           eosinophilia
Age             4 month
Sex             XX
Family history  Inherited
Total lymphoc   22400
Eosinophils     nd
IgE             nd
CD19            0
ID              #K86X118(8),#K86X118(8); standard; MUTATION; SRP1,SRP1
Accession       R0062
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.6548_6549delAA, c.256_257delAA,
Systematic name r.256_257delaa, p.Lys86fsX33
Original code   P4
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     2 leading to a premature stop codon in the SRP1 domain
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16276422
RefAuthors      de Villartay, J. P., Lim, A., Al-Mousa, H., Dupont, S., 
RefAuthors      Dechanet-Merville, J., Coumau-Gatbois, E., Gougeon, M. L., 
RefAuthors      Lemainque, A., Eidenschenk, C., Jouanguy, E., Abel, L., 
RefAuthors      Casanova, J. L., Fischer, A., Le Deist, F.
RefTitle        A novel immunodeficiency associated with hypomorphic RAG1 
RefTitle        mutations and CMV infection.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest:3291-3299 (2005)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6548..6549
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 86
Feature           /domain: SRP1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6548..6549
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 86
Feature           /domain: SRP1
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           severe persistent CMV infection, anemia
Age             0,5
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Turkey
Total lymphoc   3.5
IgA             0
IgM             2.7
CD3             55
CD4             4
CD8             4
CD19            12
Comment         Diagnosis: Immunodeficiency with gamma-delta-T cell
Comment         expansion and autoimmunity
ID              #K86X118(9),#K86X118(9); standard; MUTATION; SRP1,SRP1
Accession       R0084
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.6548_6549delAA, c.256_257delAA,
Systematic name r.256_257delaa, p.Lys86fsX33
Original code   Case2
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     2 leading to a premature stop codon in the SRP1 domain
Date            16-Jun-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-Jun-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 19458910
RefAuthors      Karaca, N. E., Aksu, G., Genel, F., Gulez, N., Can, S., 
RefAuthors      Aydinok, Y., Aksoylar, S., Karaca, E., Altuglu, I., 
RefAuthors      Kutukculer, N.
RefTitle        Diverse phenotypic and genotypic presentation of RAG1 
RefTitle        mutations in two cases with SCID.
RefLoc          Clin Exp Med:339-342 (2009)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6548..6549
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 86
Feature           /domain: SRP1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6548..6549
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 368..369
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 86
Feature           /domain: SRP1
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Pneumonia; Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           growth retardation, autoimmune haemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia
Age             0.9
Sex             XY
IgA             0.53
IgG             15.50
IgM             0.76
ID              K136Q(1),C192Y(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0066
Systematic name Allele 1: g.6698A>C, c.406A>C, r.406a>c, p.Lys136Gln
Systematic name Allele 2: g.6867G>A, c.575G>A, r.575g>a, p.Cys192Tyr
Original code   P49
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6698
Feature           /change: a -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 518
Feature           /codon: aaa -> caa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 136
Feature           /change: K -> Q
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6867
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 687
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tat; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 192
Feature           /change: C -> Y
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Protracted
Symptoms           diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           generalised oedema
Age             <0.1
WBC             48.7
IgA             <0.0007
IgE             120
IgG             0.0045
IgM             0.0007
CD3             74
CD4             26
CD8             32
ID              R142X(1),R396H(3); standard; MUTATION; BI,INV
Accession       R0093
Systematic name Allele 1: g.6716C>T, c.424C>T, r.424c>u, p.Arg142X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.7479G>A, c.1187G>A, r.1187g>a, p.Arg396His
Original code   Case5
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the BI domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the INV domain
Date            04-Aug-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            04-Aug-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17075247
RefAuthors      Kato, M., Kimura, H., Seki, M., Shimada, A., Hayashi, Y., 
RefAuthors      Morio, T., Kumaki, S., Ishida, Y., Kamachi, Y., Yachie, A.
RefTitle        Omenn syndrome--review of several phenotypes of omenn 
RefTitle        syndrome and RAG1/RAG2 mutations in japan.
RefLoc          Allergol Int:115-119 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6716
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 536
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 142
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: BI
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7479
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1299
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> H
Feature           /domain: INV
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           Poor growth weight; Respiratory distress;
Age             10 mo
Ethnic origin   Japan
ID              #T173X200(1),#T173X200(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0040
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.631delT, c.631delT, p.T173fsX200
Original code   ARSCID1
Description     Allele 1 and 2; frameshift deletion in the exon 2
Date            03-Jul-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            03-Jul-2000 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (03-Jul-2000) to RAG1base.
RefLoc          J.G. Noordzij, J.J.M. van Dongen, Dept. of Immunology, 
RefLoc          Erasmus University Rotterdam, P.O.Box 1738, 3000DR 
RefLoc          Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Tel +31-104088090, 
RefLoc          Fax +31-104089456, e-mail
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 10891452
RefAuthors      Noordzij, J. G., Verkaik, N. S., Hartwig, N. G., de Groot,
RefAuthors      R., van Gent, D. C., van Dongen, J. J. M.
RefTitle        N-terminal truncated human RAG1 proteins can direct T-cell
RefTitle        receptor but not immunoglobulin gene rearrangements
RefLoc          Blood 96:203-209 (2000)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 631
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSFAVPHV RFTSRGTX
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 631
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSFAVPHV RFTSRGTX
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia; 
Symptoms        Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; 
Age at onset    0 months
Sex             F
Ethnic origin   Maroc
WBC             69x10E9/l 
Total lymphoc   60x10E9/l
Eosin           1x10E9/l
IgA             <0.10
IgG             2.73
IgM             0.11
CD3             66
CD4             35
CD45R0          66
CD8             59
ID              #T173X200(2),#T173X200(2); standard; MUTATION; I,I
Accession       R0044
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.6811delT, c.519delT, r.519delu,
Systematic name p.Glu174fsX27
Original code   OM3
Description     Allele 1 and 2: a frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     2 leading to a premature stop codon in the I domain
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11313270
RefAuthors      Corneo, B., Moshous, D., Gungor, T., Wulffraat, N., 
RefAuthors      Philippet, P., Le Deist, F. L., Fischer, A., de Villartay, 
RefAuthors      J. P.
RefTitle        Identical mutations in RAG1 or RAG2 genes leading to 
RefTitle        defective V(D)J recombinase activity can cause either T-B-
RefTitle        severe combined immune deficiency or omenn syndrome.
RefLoc          Blood 97:2772-2776 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6811
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSLAVPHV RFTSRGTX
Feature           /domain: I
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6811
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSLAVPHV RFTSRGTX
Feature           /domain: I
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           eosinophilia
Age at onset    2 month
Sex             XY
Family history  inherited
Parents         consanguineous
Total lymphoc   19500
Eosinophils     10700
IgE             38300
CD19            0
ID              #T173X200(3),#T173X200(3); standard; MUTATION; I,I
Accession       R0046
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.6811delT, c.519delT, r.519delu,
Systematic name p.Glu174fsX27
Original code   OM5
Description     Allele 1 and 2: a frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     2 leading to a premature stop codon in the I domain
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11313270
RefAuthors      Corneo, B., Moshous, D., Gungor, T., Wulffraat, N., 
RefAuthors      Philippet, P., Le Deist, F. L., Fischer, A., de Villartay, 
RefAuthors      J. P.
RefTitle        Identical mutations in RAG1 or RAG2 genes leading to 
RefTitle        defective V(D)J recombinase activity can cause either T-B-
RefTitle        severe combined immune deficiency or omenn syndrome.
RefLoc          Blood 97:2772-2776 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6811
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSLAVPHV RFTSRGTX
Feature           /domain: I
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6811
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSLAVPHV RFTSRGTX
Feature           /domain: I
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           eosinophilia
Age             0.2 month
Sex             XX
Family history  Inherited
Parents         consanguineous
Total lymphoc   12700
Eosinophils     5600
IgE             nd
ID              #T173X200(4),#T173X200(4); standard; MUTATION; I,I
Accession       R0051
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.6811delT, c.519delT, r.519delu,
Systematic name p.Glu174fsX27
Original code   P52
Description     Allele 1 and 2: a frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     2 leading to a premature stop codon in the I domain
Date            24-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            24-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11313270
RefAuthors      Corneo, B., Moshous, D., Gungor, T., Wulffraat, N., 
RefAuthors      Philippet, P., Le Deist, F. L., Fischer, A., de Villartay, 
RefAuthors      J. P.
RefTitle        Identical mutations in RAG1 or RAG2 genes leading to 
RefTitle        defective V(D)J recombinase activity can cause either T-B-
RefTitle        severe combined immune deficiency or omenn syndrome.
RefLoc          Blood 97:2772-2776 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6811
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSLAVPHV RFTSRGTX
Feature           /domain: I
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6811
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSLAVPHV RFTSRGTX
Feature           /domain: I
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           eosinophilia
Family history  Inherited
Parents         consanguineous
ID              #T173X200(5),#T173X200(5); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0059
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.6811delT, c.519delT, r.519delu,
Systematic name p.Glu174fsX27
Original code   P1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     2 leading to a premature stop codon
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16276422
RefAuthors      de Villartay, J. P., Lim, A., Al-Mousa, H., Dupont, S., 
RefAuthors      Dechanet-Merville, J., Coumau-Gatbois, E., Gougeon, M. L., 
RefAuthors      Lemainque, A., Eidenschenk, C., Jouanguy, E., Abel, L., 
RefAuthors      Casanova, J. L., Fischer, A., Le Deist, F.
RefTitle        A novel immunodeficiency associated with hypomorphic RAG1 
RefTitle        mutations and CMV infection.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest:3291-3299 (2005)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6811
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSLAVPHV RFTSRGTX
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6811
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSLAVPHV RFTSRGTX
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           severe persistent CMV infection
Age             0,25
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Algeria
Total lymphoc   1.1-1.4
Eosinophils     0.2-0.8
IgA             7
IgG             <2
IgM             26
CD3             30
CD4             5
CD8             5
CD19            0
Comment         Diagnosis: immunodeficiency with gamma-delta-T cell
Comment         expansion and autoimmunity
ID              #T173X200(6),#T173X200(6); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0082
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.6811delT, c.519delT, r.519delu,
Systematic name p.Glu174fsX27
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     2 leading to a premature stop codon
Date            16-Jun-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-Jun-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 19011808
RefAuthors      Jaouad, I. C., Ouldim, K., Ali Ou Alla, S., Kriouile, Y., 
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sefiani, A.
RefTitle        Omenn syndrome with mutation in RAG1 gene.
RefLoc          Indian J Pediatr:944-946 (2008)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6811
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSLAVPHV RFTSRGTX
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6811
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSLAVPHV RFTSRGTX
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Lymphoadenopathy;
Symptoms           Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           alopecia
Age             0.3
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Morocco
CD3             50
CD4             23
CD8             19
ID              Q248X(1),Q248X(1); standard; MUTATION; BIII,BIII
Accession       R0064
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.7034C>T, c.742C>T, r.742c>u, p.Gln248X
Original code   P44
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the BIII domain
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7034
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 854
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 248
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: BIII
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7034
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 854
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 248
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: BIII
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Age             0.04
WBC             26.3
IgA             0.126
IgE             1130
IgG             13
IgM             0.249
CD3             60
CD4             44
CD8             26
Comment         suspected maternal T-cell engraftment
ID              R249H/R841W(1),R249H/R841W(1); standard; MUTATION; 
ID              BIII/BIV,BIII/BIV
Accession       R0086
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.[7038G>A;8813C>T], c.[746G>A;2521C>T],
Systematic name r.[746g>a;2521c>u], p.[Arg249His;Arg841Trp]
Description     Allele 1 and 2: Two point mutations in the exon 2 leading
Description     to one amino acid change in the BIII domain and one
Description     aminoacid change in BIV domain
Date            22-Jun-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            22-Jun-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 18592361
RefAuthors      Ohm-Laursen, L., Nielsen, C., Fisker, N., Lillevang, S. 
RefAuthors      T., Barington, T.
RefTitle        Lack of nonfunctional B-cell receptor rearrangements in a 
RefTitle        patient with normal B cell numbers despite partial RAG1 
RefTitle        deficiency and atypical SCID/omenn syndrome.
RefLoc          J Clin Immunol:588-592 (2008)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 3
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7038
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         dna; 2
Feature           /rnalink: 4
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8813
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 3
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 5
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 858
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         rna; 4
Feature           /dnalink: 2
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2633
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 5
Feature           /rnalink: 3
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 249
Feature           /change: R -> H
Feature           /domain: BIII
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 4
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 841
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: BIV
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 7
Feature           /rnalink: 9
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7038
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         dna; 8
Feature           /rnalink: 10
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8813
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 9
Feature           /dnalink: 7
Feature           /aalink: 11
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 858
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         rna; 10
Feature           /dnalink: 8
Feature           /aalink: 12
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2633
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 11
Feature           /rnalink: 9
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 249
Feature           /change: R -> H
Feature           /domain: BIII
Feature         aa; 12
Feature           /rnalink: 10
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 841
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: BIV
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Pneumonia; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           erythrodermic nonpruritic eczema
Symptoms           several respiratory
Age             0.2
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Palestine
WBC             6.6
Total lymphoc   1.0
Eosinophils     1.3
IgA             0.09
IgG             4.0
IgM             1.24
ID              #A255X263(1),R404Q(2); standard; MUTATION; ,INV
Accession       R0074
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7057delA, c.765delA, r.765dela, p.Arg256fsX8
Systematic name Allele 2: g.7503G>A, c.1211G>A, r.1211g>a, p.Arg404Gln
Original code   P59
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 2
Description     leading to a premature stop codon
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7057
Feature           /change: -a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 877
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 255
Feature           /change: A -> AGSAARMSX
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7503
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1323
Feature           /codon: cgg -> cag; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 404
Feature           /change: R -> Q
Feature           /domain: INV
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
ID              #S259X263(1),#S259X263(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0041
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.887delA, c.887delA, p.S259fsX263
Original code   OS13
Description     Allele 1 and 2; frameshift deletion in the exon 2
Date            25-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            25-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11121059
RefAuthors      Santagata, S., Gomez, C. A., Sobacchim, C., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Pasic, S., Cortes, P., Vezzoni, P., Villa, A.
RefTitle        N-terminal RAG1 frameshift mutations in Omenn's syndrome: 
RefTitle        internal methionine usage leads to partial V(D)J 
RefTitle        recombination activity and reveals a fundamental role in 
RefTitle        vivo for the N-terminal domains
RefLoc          Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:14572-14577 (2000)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0014
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 887
Feature           /change: -a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 887
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 259
Feature           /change: S -> ARMSX
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 887
Feature           /change: -a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 887
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 259
Feature           /change: S -> ARMSX
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
ID              R314W(1),R507W/R737H(1); standard; MUTATION; ZRF,?/ZFB
Accession       R0088
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7232C>T, c.940C>T, r.940c>u, p.Arg314Trp
Systematic name Allele 2: g.[7811C>T;8502G>A], c.[1519C>T;2210G>A],
Systematic name r.[1519c>u;2210g>a], p.[Arg507Trp;Arg737His]
Original code   P.1
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the ZRF domain
Description     Allele 2: Two point mutations in the exon 2 leading to
Description     two amino acids changes, one in ZFB domain.
Date            29-Jul-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            29-Jul-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 18463379
RefAuthors      Schuetz, C., Huck, K., Gudowius, S., Megahed, M., Feyen, 
RefAuthors      O., Hubner, B., Schneider, D. T., Manfras, B., Pannicke, 
RefAuthors      U., Willemze, R., Knuchel, R., Gobel, U., Schulz, A., 
RefAuthors      Borkhardt, A., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K., Niehues, T.
RefTitle        An immunodeficiency disease with RAG mutations and 
RefTitle        granulomas.
RefLoc          N Engl J Med:2030-2038 (2008)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7232
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1052
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 314
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: ZRF
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 6
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7811
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         dna; 5
Feature           /rnalink: 7
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8502
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 6
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 8
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1631
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         rna; 7
Feature           /dnalink: 5
Feature           /aalink: 9
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2322
Feature           /codon: cgt -> cat; 2
Feature         aa; 8
Feature           /rnalink: 6
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 507
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature         aa; 9
Feature           /rnalink: 7
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 737
Feature           /change: R -> H
Feature           /domain: ZFB
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Skin lesions; Parakeratosis; Epidermal hyperplasia; 
Age             3
Sex             XX
IgA             <6 mg/dl
IgE             <4.4 IU/ml
IgG             92-209 mg/dl
IgM             <5 mg/dl
Comment         Patient had received stem-cell transplantation from a
Comment         matched unrelated donor.
ID              C328Y(1),C328Y(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0023
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1095G>A, c.1095G>A, p.C328Y
Original code   P28
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            01-Mar-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1095
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1095
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tat; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 328
Feature           /change: C -> Y
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1095
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1095
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tat; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 328
Feature           /change: C -> Y
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Skin rash; Pneumonia; Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly;
Symptoms        Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    3 months
WBC             1.0
Total lymphoc   0.64
Eosin           0.01
IgA             0.52
IgE             19.9 kU/I
IgG             4.93
IgM             0.29
CD3             58
CD4             26
CD45RA          2.7
CD45R0          96.3
CD8             27
CD16            30
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              50
PHA             2.5
MFT             -
ID              #P329X344(1),#P329X344(1); standard; MUTATION; ZRF,ZRF
Accession       R0099
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.7279delC, c.987delC, r.987delc,
Systematic name p.Ser330fsX15
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     2 leading to a premature stop codon in the ZRF domain
Date            28-Feb-2019 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            28-Feb-2019 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (28-Feb-2019) to RAG1base.
RefLoc          GIGLIOLA DI MATTEO; Via Montpellier, 1; Tel +390672596492;
RefLoc          e-mail
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7279
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1099
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 329
Feature           /change: P -> PLADIHASLL TWRVQX
Feature           /domain: ZRF
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7279
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1099
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 329
Feature           /change: P -> PLADIHASLL TWRVQX
Feature           /domain: ZRF
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Age             1,3
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italia
Family history  Not known
ID              #L354X356(1),L872X(2); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0027
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1173delT, c.1173delT, p.L354fsX356
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2727T>A, c.2727T>A, p.L872X
Original code   P7
Description     Allele 1; frameshift deletion in the exon 2 and
Description     Allele 2; nonsense mutation in the exon 2 leading to stop 
Description     codons and premature termination
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 2)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1173
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1173
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 354
Feature           /change: L -> RWX
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2727
Feature           /change: t -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2727
Feature           /codon: tta -> taa; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 872
Feature           /change: F -> X
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Skin rash;
Age at onset    1 week
WBC             11.3
Total lymphoc   4.18
Eosin           0.34
IgA             0.69
IgE             n.d.
IgG             9.33 maternally-derived
IgM             0.56
CD3             1
CD4             3
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             42
CD16            64
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              n.d.
PHA             13
MFT             -
ID              #S382X402(1),#S382X402(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0012
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1258delA, c.1258delA, p.S382fsX402
Original code   P15
Description     Allele 1 and 2; frameshift deletion leading to stop codon 
Description     and premature termination
Date            26-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1258
Feature           /change: -a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1258
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 382
Feature           /change: S -> SKRFFCTFIK GAGPANIFCR X
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1258
Feature           /change: -a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1258
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 382
Feature           /change: S -> SKRFFCTFIK GAGPANIFCR X
Diagnosis       Combined immunodeficiency with maternal fetal transfusion
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Skin rash; Pneumonia; Lymphoadenopathy;
Symptoms        Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    1 month
WBC             20.6
Total lymphoc   1.6
Eosin           n.a.
IgA             1.91
IgE             <2 kU/I
IgG             1.79
IgM             1.75
CD3             43.7
CD4             39.4
CD45RA          <1
CD45R0          93.8
CD8             4
CD16            36.1
CD19/CD20       2
DR              n.a.
PHA             17
MFT             +
ID              R394W(1),R394W(1); standard; MUTATION; INV,INV
Accession       R0063
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.7472C>T, c.1180C>T, r.1180c>u,
Systematic name p.Arg394Trp
Original code   P42
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the INV domain
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7472
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1292
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 394
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: INV
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7472
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1292
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 394
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: INV
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia;
Symptoms           Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           Recurrent URTI, Generalised oedema
Age             0,2
WBC             11.4
IgA             <0.234
IgE             5.38
IgG             <1.35
IgM             <0.171
CD3             54.7
CD4             47.5
CD4+CD45RA+     42.5
CD4+CD45R0+     58
CD8             6.75
ID              R394W(2),R394W(2); standard; MUTATION; INV,INV
Accession       R0075
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.7472C>T, c.1180C>T, r.1180c>u,
Systematic name p.Arg394Trp
Original code   P60
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the INV domain
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7472
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1292
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 394
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: INV
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7472
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1292
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 394
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: INV
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
ID              R396C(1a),R396C(1a); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0008
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1298C>T, c.1298C>T, p.R396C
Original code   OS6 ref [1]; P16b ref [2]
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation leading to amino acid 
Description     change in homeodomain, DNA binding
Date            22-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 4)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9630231
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Santagata, S., Bozzi, F., Giliani, S., 
RefAuthors      Frattini, A., Imberti, L., Gatta, L. B., Ochs, H. D., 
RefAuthors      Schwarz, K., Notarangelo, L. D., Vezzoni, P., 
RefAuthors      Spanopoulou, E.
RefTitle        Partial V(D)J recombination activity leads to Omenn
RefTitle        syndrome
RefLoc          Cell 93:885-96 (1998)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0006
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> C
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> C
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia;
Symptoms        Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    4 months
Relative        RAG1; R0035 sibling
WBC             9.5
Total lymphoc   2.7
Eosin           1.15
IgA             0.10
IgE             1690 kU/I
IgG             2
IgM             0.50
CD3             50
CD4             n.d.
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             n.d.
CD16            n.d.
CD19/CD20       16
DR              n.d.
PHA             24
MFT             -
ID              R396C(1b),R396C(1b); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0035
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1298C>T, c.1298C>T, p.R396C
Original code   P16a
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation leading to amino acid 
Description     change in homeodomain, DNA binding
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> C
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> C
Diagnosis       Leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Age at onset    2 months
Relative        RAG1; R0008 sibling
WBC             6.1
Total lymphoc   2.4
Eosin           1.4
IgA             <0.07
IgE             n.d.
IgG             5.8 maternally-derived
IgM             0.07
CD3             4
CD4             3
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             <1
CD16            88
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              n.d.
PHA             <1
MFT             -
Comment         Diagnosed at 2 months of age because of an older sibling 
Comment         who had died with typical Omenn syndrome, was immediately 
Comment         treated by allogenic BMT when still asymptomatic
ID              R396C(2a),L885R(1a); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0038
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1298C>T, c.1298C>T, p.R396C
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2766T>G, c.2766T>G, p.L885R
Original code   Case 1
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            27-Apr-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-Jul-2000 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 2)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 10606976 
RefAuthors      Wada, T., Takei, K., Kudo, M., Shimura, S., Kasahara, Y., 
RefAuthors      Koizumi, S., Kawa-Ha, K., Ishida, Y., Imashuku, S., Seki, 
RefAuthors      H., Yachie, A. 
RefTitle        Characterization of immune function and analysis of RAG 
RefTitle        gene mutations in Omenn syndrome and related disorders
RefLoc          Clin. Exp. Immunol. 119:148-55 (2000)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> C
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2766
Feature           /change: t -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2766
Feature           /codon: ctg -> cgg; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 885
Feature           /change: L -> R
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Erythrodermia; Hepatomegaly; Adenopathy
Age at onset    0 day
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Mongoloid; Japan
Relative        RAG1; R0039 brother
Total lymphoc   8.91
Eosin           6.24
IgA             <.5
IgE             >2000 U/ml
IgG             38
IgM             <.5
CD3             69
CD4             35
CD8             41
CD16            20
PHA             3914
ID              R396C(2b),L885R(1b); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0039
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1298C>T, c.1298C>T, p.R396C
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2766T>G, c.2766T>G, p.L885R
Original code   Case 2
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            27-Apr-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-Jul-2000 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 2)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 10606976 
RefAuthors      Wada, T., Takei, K., Kudo, M., Shimura, S., Kasahara, Y., 
RefAuthors      Koizumi, S., Kawa-Ha, K., Ishida, Y., Imashuku, S., Seki, 
RefAuthors      H., Yachie, A. 
RefTitle        Characterization of immune function and analysis of RAG 
RefTitle        gene mutations in Omenn syndrome and related disorders
RefLoc          Clin. Exp. Immunol. 119:148-55 (2000)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> C
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2766
Feature           /change: t -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2766
Feature           /codon: ctg -> cgg; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 885
Feature           /change: L -> R
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Erythrodermia; Hepatomegaly; Adenopathy
Age at onset    0 day
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Mongoloid; Japan
Relative        RAG1; R0038 brother
Total lymphoc   2.98
Eosin           3.73
IgA             <.7
IgE             >2000 U/ml
IgG             91.1
IgM             <.7
CD3             65
CD4             62
CD8             9
CD16            15
PHA             10240
ID              R396C(3),Y912C(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0005
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1298C>T, c.1298C>T, p.R396C
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2847A>G, c.2847A>G, p.Y912C
Original code   C.A. ref [1]; OS3 ref [2]; P33 ref [3]
Description     Allele 1; missense mutation in the exon 2 leading to amino
Description     acid change in homeodomain, DNA binding
Description     Allele 2; missense mutation in the exon 2 leading to amino
Description     acid change in active core domain
Date            22-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 4)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9394797 
RefAuthors      Brugnoni, D., Airo, P., Facchetti, F., Blanzuoli, L.,
RefAuthors      Ugazio, A.G., Cattaneo, R., Notarangelo, L.D.
RefTitle        In vitro cell death of activated lymphocytes in Omenn's 
RefTitle        syndrome
RefLoc          Eur. J. Immunol. 27:2765-2773 (1997)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9630231
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Santagata, S., Bozzi, F., Giliani, S., 
RefAuthors      Frattini, A., Imberti, L., Gatta, L. B., Ochs, H. D., 
RefAuthors      Schwarz, K., Notarangelo, L. D., Vezzoni, P., 
RefAuthors      Spanopoulou, E.
RefTitle        Partial V(D)J recombination activity leads to Omenn
RefTitle        syndrome
RefLoc          Cell 93:885-96 (1998)
RefNumber       [3]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0006
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0007
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> C
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2847
Feature           /change: a -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2847
Feature           /codon: tac -> tgc; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 912
Feature           /change: Y -> C
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Lymphoadenopathy;
Symptoms        Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    3 months
WBC             45.1
Total lymphoc   26.29
Eosin           2.25
IgA             0.54
IgE             >3000 kU/I
IgG             7.76
IgM             0.74
CD3             83
CD4             43
CD45RA          3
CD45R0          97
CD8             29
CD16            7
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              72
PHA             1.6
MFT             -
ID              R396C(4a),L885R(2a); standard; MUTATION; INV,
Accession       R0090
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7478C>T, c.1186C>T, r.1186c>u, p.Arg396Cys
Systematic name Allele 2: g.8946T>G, c.2654T>G, r.2654u>g, p.Leu885Arg
Original code   Case1
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the INV domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            04-Aug-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            04-Aug-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17075247
RefAuthors      Kato, M., Kimura, H., Seki, M., Shimada, A., Hayashi, Y., 
RefAuthors      Morio, T., Kumaki, S., Ishida, Y., Kamachi, Y., Yachie, A.
RefTitle        Omenn syndrome--review of several phenotypes of omenn 
RefTitle        syndrome and RAG1/RAG2 mutations in japan.
RefLoc          Allergol Int:115-119 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7478
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> C
Feature           /domain: INV
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8946
Feature           /change: t -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2766
Feature           /codon: ctg -> cgg; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 885
Feature           /change: L -> R
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Hepatosplenomegaly; Lymphnode swelling; Eczema;
Symptoms        Eosinophilia; IgE elevation;
Age              2 mo
Ethnic origin   Japan
Relative        RAG1base; R0091 sibling
ID              R396C(4b),L885R(2b); standard; MUTATION; INV,
Accession       R0091
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7478C>T, c.1186C>T, r.1186c>u, p.Arg396Cys
Systematic name Allele 2: g.8946T>G, c.2654T>G, r.2654u>g, p.Leu885Arg
Original code   Case2
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the INV domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            04-Aug-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            04-Aug-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17075247
RefAuthors      Kato, M., Kimura, H., Seki, M., Shimada, A., Hayashi, Y., 
RefAuthors      Morio, T., Kumaki, S., Ishida, Y., Kamachi, Y., Yachie, A.
RefTitle        Omenn syndrome--review of several phenotypes of omenn 
RefTitle        syndrome and RAG1/RAG2 mutations in japan.
RefLoc          Allergol Int:115-119 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7478
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1298
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> C
Feature           /domain: INV
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8946
Feature           /change: t -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2766
Feature           /codon: ctg -> cgg; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 885
Feature           /change: L -> R
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Hepatosplenomegaly; Lymphnode swelling; Eczema;
Symptoms        Eosinophilia; IgE elevation;
Age             0
Ethnic origin   Japan
Relative        RAG1base; R0090 sibling
ID              R396H(1),#I537X566(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0006
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1299G>A, c.1299G>A, p.R396H
Systematic name Allele 2: g.1723_1735delTATTGATGGGCTG, 
Systematic name c.1723_1735delTATTGATGGGCTG, p.I537fsX566
Original code   C.N. ref [1]; OS4 ref [2]; P31 ref [3]
Description     Allele 1; missense mutation leading to amino acid change in 
Description     homeodomain, DNA binding 
Description     Allele 2; frameshift deletion leading to truncated protein
Date            22-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 4)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9394797 
RefAuthors      Brugnoni, D., Airo, P., Facchetti, F., Blanzuoli, L.,
RefAuthors      Ugazio, A.G., Cattaneo, R., Notarangelo, L.D.
RefTitle        In vitro cell death of activated lymphocytes in Omenn's 
RefTitle        syndrome
RefLoc          Eur. J. Immunol. 27:2765-2773 (1997)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9630231
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Santagata, S., Bozzi, F., Giliani, S., 
RefAuthors      Frattini, A., Imberti, L., Gatta, L. B., Ochs, H. D., 
RefAuthors      Schwarz, K., Notarangelo, L. D., Vezzoni, P., 
RefAuthors      Spanopoulou, E.
RefTitle        Partial V(D)J recombination activity leads to Omenn
RefTitle        syndrome
RefLoc          Cell 93:885-96 (1998)
RefNumber       [3]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0008
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0012
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1299
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1299
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> H
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1723..1735
Feature           /change: -tattgatggg ctg
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1723..1735
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 537..541
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; 
Symptoms        Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly;
Age at onset    1 month
WBC             23.5
Total lymphoc   12.0
Eosin           6.01
IgA             <0.06
IgE             1 kU/I
IgG             <0.37
IgM             0.12
CD3             92
CD4             24
CD45RA          8.3
CD45R0          91.7
CD8             68
CD16            7
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              70
PHA             21.3
MFT             -
ID              R396H(2),R396H(2); standard; MUTATION; INV,INV
Accession       R0081
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.7479G>A, c.1187G>A, r.1187g>a,
Systematic name p.Arg396His
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the INV domain
Date            16-Jun-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-Jun-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 19830075
RefAuthors      Al Balwi, M., Al Ajaji, S., Al Abdulkareem, I., Hajeer, A.
RefTitle        Homozygous R396H mutation of the RAG1 gene in a saudi 
RefTitle        infant with omenn's syndrome: a case report.
RefLoc          Cases J:8391 (2009)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7479
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1299
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> H
Feature           /domain: INV
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7479
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1299
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> H
Feature           /domain: INV
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia;
Symptoms           Protracted diarrhea;
Age             0.2
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Saudi Arab
CD4             21
CD8             33
ID              R396L(1),R975Q(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0034
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1299G>T, c.1299G>T, p.R396L
Systematic name Allele 2: g.3036G>A, c.3036G>A, p.R975Q
Original code   P36
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1299
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1299
Feature           /codon: cgc -> ctc; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 396
Feature           /change: R -> L
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 3036
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 3036
Feature           /codon: cgg -> cag; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 975
Feature           /change: R -> Q
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia; 
Symptoms        Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly;
Symptoms        Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    4 month
WBC             9.5
Total lymphoc   2.7
Eosin           1.15
IgA             0.10
IgE             1690 kU/I
IgG             2
IgM             0.50
CD3             50
CD4             n.d.
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             n.d.
CD16            n.d.
CD19/CD20       16
DR              n.d.
PHA             24
MFT             -
ID              S401P(1),S401P(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0020
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1313T>C, c.1313T>C, p.S401P
Original code   P27
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            01-Mar-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1313
Feature           /change: t -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1313
Feature           /codon: tcg -> ccg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 401
Feature           /change: S -> P
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1313
Feature           /change: t -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1313
Feature           /codon: tcg -> ccg; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 401
Feature           /change: S -> P
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Skin rash; Pneumonia; Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly
Age at onset    1.5 month
WBC             4.5
Total lymphoc   2.79
Eosin           1.35
IgA             n.d.
IgE             166 kU/I
IgG             4.97
IgM             n.d.
CD3             88
CD4             83
CD45RA          <1
CD45R0          99
CD8             5
CD16            6
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              55
PHA             15
MFT             n.d.
ID              R404Q(1a),R404Q(1a); standard; MUTATION; DNAB,DNAB
Accession       R0053
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.7503G>A, c.1211G>A, r.1211g>a,
Systematic name p.Arg404Gln
Original code   RAG-SCID 7.1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the DNAB domain
Date            24-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            24-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12200379
RefAuthors      Noordzij, J. G., de Bruin-Versteeg, S., Verkaik, N. S., 
RefAuthors      Vossen, J. M., de Groot, R., Bernatowska, E., Langerak, A. 
RefAuthors      W., van Gent, D. C., van Dongen, J. J.
RefTitle        The immunophenotypic and immunogenotypic B-cell 
RefTitle        differentiation arrest in bone marrow of RAG-deficient 
RefTitle        SCID patients corresponds to residual recombination 
RefTitle        activities of mutated RAG proteins.
RefLoc          Blood 100:2145-2152 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7503
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1323
Feature           /codon: cgg -> cag; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 404
Feature           /change: R -> Q
Feature           /domain: DNAB
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7503
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1323
Feature           /codon: cgg -> cag; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 404
Feature           /change: R -> Q
Feature           /domain: DNAB
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Sex             XX
Family history  Inherited
Relative        RAG1base; R0054 sister
ID              R404Q(1b),R404Q(1b); standard; MUTATION; DNAB,DNAB
Accession       R0054
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.7503G>A, c.1211G>A, r.1211g>a,
Systematic name p.Arg404Gln
Original code   RAG-SCID 7.1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the DNAB domain
Date            24-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            24-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12200379
RefAuthors      Noordzij, J. G., de Bruin-Versteeg, S., Verkaik, N. S., 
RefAuthors      Vossen, J. M., de Groot, R., Bernatowska, E., Langerak, A. 
RefAuthors      W., van Gent, D. C., van Dongen, J. J.
RefTitle        The immunophenotypic and immunogenotypic B-cell 
RefTitle        differentiation arrest in bone marrow of RAG-deficient 
RefTitle        SCID patients corresponds to residual recombination 
RefTitle        activities of mutated RAG proteins.
RefLoc          Blood 100:2145-2152 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7503
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1323
Feature           /codon: cgg -> cag; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 404
Feature           /change: R -> Q
Feature           /domain: DNAB
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7503
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1323
Feature           /codon: cgg -> cag; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 404
Feature           /change: R -> Q
Feature           /domain: DNAB
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Sex             XX
Family history  Inherited
Relative        RAG1base; R0053 sister
ID              R405G(1),R624H(3); standard; MUTATION; INV,
Accession       R0100
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7505A>G, c.1213A>G, r.1213a>g, p.Arg405Gly
Systematic name Allele 2: g.8163G>A, c.1871G>A, r.1871g>a, p.Arg624His
Original code   PID31
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the INV domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            28-Feb-2019 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            28-Feb-2019 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (28-Feb-2019) to RAG1base.
RefLoc          GIGLIOLA DI MATTEO; Via Montpellier, 1; Tel +390672596492;
RefLoc          e-mail
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7505
Feature           /change: a -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1325
Feature           /codon: aga -> gga; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 405
Feature           /change: R -> G
Feature           /domain: INV
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8163
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1983
Feature           /codon: cgt -> cat; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 624
Feature           /change: R -> H
Diagnosis       Leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Age             3
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italia
Family history  Inherited
ID              R561C(3),R404Q(3); standard; MUTATION; ,INV
Accession       R0076
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7973C>T, c.1681C>T, r.1681c>u, p.Arg561Cys
Systematic name Allele 2: g.7503G>A, c.1211G>A, r.1211g>a, p.Arg404Gln
Original code   P61
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7973
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1793
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 561
Feature           /change: R -> C
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7503
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1323
Feature           /codon: cgg -> cag; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 404
Feature           /change: R -> Q
Feature           /domain: INV
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
ID              R404W(1),#S875X882(1); standard; MUTATION; DNAB,
Accession       R0045
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7502C>T, c.1210C>T, r.1210c>u, p.Arg404Trp
Systematic name Allele 2: g.8915delT, c.2623delT, r.2623delu, p.Ser875fsX8
Original code   OM4
Description     Allele 1: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the DNAB domain
Description     Allele 2: a frame shift deletion in the exon 2 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11313270
RefAuthors      Corneo, B., Moshous, D., Gungor, T., Wulffraat, N., 
RefAuthors      Philippet, P., Le Deist, F. L., Fischer, A., de Villartay, 
RefAuthors      J. P.
RefTitle        Identical mutations in RAG1 or RAG2 genes leading to 
RefTitle        defective V(D)J recombinase activity can cause either T-B-
RefTitle        severe combined immune deficiency or omenn syndrome.
RefLoc          Blood 97:2772-2776 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7502
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1322
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 404
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: DNAB
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8915
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2735
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 875
Feature           /change: S -> PRRGTRLX
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           eosinophilia
Age at onset    2 months
Sex             XY
Family history  Inherited
Total lymphoc   3000
Eosinophils     3200
IgE             64
CD19            0
ID              R410Q(1),R841W(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0014
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1341G>A, c.1341G>A, p.R410Q
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2633C>T, c.2633C>T, p.R841W
Original code   P22
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            26-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1341
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1341
Feature           /codon: cgg -> cag; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 410
Feature           /change: R -> Q
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2633
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2633
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 841
Feature           /change: R -> W
Diagnosis       leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia; 
Symptoms        Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    1 month
WBC             3.6
Total lymphoc   1.01
Eosin           1.2
IgA             0.17
IgE             >1000 kU/I
IgG             6.54
IgM             0.47
CD3             20
CD4             17
CD45RA          2
CD45R0          98
CD8             16
CD16            33
CD19/CD20       15
DR              24
PHA             6.8
MFT             -
ID              V433M(1),A444V(3); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0031
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1409G>A, c.1409G>A, p.V433M
Systematic name Allele 2: g.1443C>T, c.1443C>T, p.A444V
Original code   P18
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1409
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1409
Feature           /codon: gtg -> atg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 433
Feature           /change: V -> M
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1443
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1443
Feature           /codon: gcg -> gtg; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 444
Feature           /change: A -> V
Diagnosis       Leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Pneumonia; Hepatomegaly; Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    2 months
WBC             1.0
Total lymphoc   0.19
Eosin           0.14
IgA             0.05
IgE             n.d.
IgG             3.78
IgM             0.32
CD3             27
CD4             20
CD45RA          5
CD45R0          95
CD8             7
CD16            56
CD19/CD20       4
DR              31
PHA             2
MFT             n.d.
ID              M435V(1),R559S(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0037
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1415A>G, c.1415A>G, p.M435V
Systematic name Allele 2: g.1789G>T, c.1789G>T, p.R559S
Original code   P40
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1415
Feature           /change: a -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1415
Feature           /codon: atg -> gtg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 435
Feature           /change: M -> V
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1789
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1789
Feature           /codon: agg -> agt; 3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 559
Feature           /change: R -> S
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia;
Symptoms        Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; 
Symptoms        Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    1 month
WBC             8.3
Total lymphoc   5.81
Eosin           0.59
IgA             0.22
IgE             n.d.
IgG             1.86
IgM             0.20
CD3             94
CD4             79
CD45RA          <1
CD45R0          99
CD8             13
CD16            6
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              83
PHA             <1
MFT             -
ID              A444V(1),A444V(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0013
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1443C>T, c.1443C>T, p.A444V
Original code   P41
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1443
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1443
Feature           /codon: gcg -> gtg; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 444
Feature           /change: A -> V
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1443
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1443
Feature           /codon: gcg -> gtg; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 444
Feature           /change: A -> V
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia;
Symptoms        Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; 
Symptoms        Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    3 months
WBC             2.9
Total lymphoc   1.0
Eosin           1.7
IgA             <0.07
IgE             n.d.
IgG             0.62
IgM             0.13
CD3             31
CD4             13
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             11
CD16            68
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              n.d.
PHA             <1
MFT             -
ID              A444V(2),A444V(2); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0032
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1443C>T, c.1443C>T, p.A444V
Original code   P23
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1443
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1443
Feature           /codon: gcg -> gtg; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 444
Feature           /change: A -> V
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1443
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1443
Feature           /codon: gcg -> gtg; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 444
Feature           /change: A -> V
Diagnosis       Leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia; 
Age at onset    1 month
WBC             21.0
Total lymphoc   9.45
Eosin           1.68
IgA             <0.08
IgE             45 kU/I
IgG             0.15
IgM             <0.07
CD3             87
CD4             53
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             36
CD16            13
CD19/CD20       1
DR              75
PHA             41
MFT             -
ID              R449K(1),R449K(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0078
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.7638G>A, c.1346G>A, r.1346g>a,
Systematic name p.Arg449Lys
Original code   P63
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7638
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1458
Feature           /codon: agg -> aag; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 449
Feature           /change: R -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7638
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1458
Feature           /codon: agg -> aag; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 449
Feature           /change: R -> K
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           Recurrent URTI
Age             0.1
WBC             19.2
IgA             <0.1
IgG             1
IgM             0.1
CD4+CD45RA+     4
CD4+CD45R0+     96
ID              #C470X509(1),#C470X509(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0028
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1521_1522delGC, c.1521_1522delGC, 
Systematic name p.C470fsX509
Original code   P8
Description     Allele 1 and 2; frameshift deletion in the exon 2 leading 
Description     to stop codon and premature termination
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 2)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1521..1522
Feature           /change: -gc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1521..1522
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 470
Feature           /change:    C 
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1521..1522
Feature           /change: -gc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1521..1522
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 470
Feature           /change:    C 
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Skin rash; Pneumonia; Protracted 
Symptoms        diarrhea
Age at onset    4 months
WBC             8.6
Total lymphoc   0.43
Eosin           <0.05
IgA             <0.08
IgE             n.d.
IgG             1.05
IgM             <0.07
CD3             1
CD4             <1
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             1
CD16            91
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              n.d.
PHA             15
MFT             -
ID              R474H(1),H753L(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0030
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1533G>A, c.1533G>A, p.R474H
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2370A>T, c.2370A>T, p.H753L
Original code   P17
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            28-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1533
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1533
Feature           /codon: cgt -> cat; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 474
Feature           /change: R -> H
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2370
Feature           /change: a -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2370
Feature           /codon: cat -> ctt; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 753
Feature           /change: H -> L
Diagnosis       Leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    3.5 months
WBC             3.2
Total lymphoc   0.34
Eosin           0.03
IgA             0.25
IgE             n.d.
IgG             n.d.
IgM             0.25
CD3             27
CD4             25
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             2
CD16            50
CD19/CD20       11
DR              n.d.
PHA             49
MFT             -
ID              R474H(2),C730F(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0047
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7713G>A, c.1421G>A, r.1421g>a, p.Arg474His
Systematic name Allele 2: g.8481G>T, c.2189G>T, r.2189g>u, p.Cys730Phe
Original code   OM6
Description     Allele 1: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11313270
RefAuthors      Corneo, B., Moshous, D., Gungor, T., Wulffraat, N., 
RefAuthors      Philippet, P., Le Deist, F. L., Fischer, A., de Villartay, 
RefAuthors      J. P.
RefTitle        Identical mutations in RAG1 or RAG2 genes leading to 
RefTitle        defective V(D)J recombinase activity can cause either T-B-
RefTitle        severe combined immune deficiency or omenn syndrome.
RefLoc          Blood 97:2772-2776 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7713
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1533
Feature           /codon: cgt -> cat; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 474
Feature           /change: R -> H
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8481
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2301
Feature           /codon: tgt -> ttt; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 730
Feature           /change: C -> F
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           eosinophilia
Age             3 month
Sex             XX
Family history  Inherited
Total lymphoc   6000
Eosinophils     6700
IgE             20000
ID              R474H(3),R624C(2); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0087
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7713G>A, c.1421G>A, r.1421g>a, p.Arg474His
Systematic name Allele 2: g.8162C>T, c.1870C>T, r.1870c>u, p.Arg624Cys
Original code   P.1
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            28-Jul-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            28-Jul-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 18822103
RefAuthors      Gruber, T. A., Shah, A. J., Hernandez, M., Crooks, G. M., 
RefAuthors      Abdel-Azim, H., Gupta, S., McKnight, S., White, D., 
RefAuthors      Kapoor, N., Kohn, D. B.
RefTitle        Clinical and genetic heterogeneity in omenn syndrome and 
RefTitle        severe combined immune deficiency.
RefLoc          Pediatr Transplant:244-250 (2009)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7713
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1533
Feature           /codon: cgt -> cat; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 474
Feature           /change: R -> H
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8162
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1982
Feature           /codon: cgt -> tgt; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 624
Feature           /change: R -> C
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Pneumonia; Diarrhea; Neutropenia; 
Age             4 mo
Sex             XX
IgA             30 mg/dl
IgE             <2 mg/dl
IgG             177 mg/dl
IgM             33 mg/dl
ID              R474S(1),A622P(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0071
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7712C>A, c.1420C>A, r.1420c>a, p.Arg474Ser
Systematic name Allele 2: g.8156G>C, c.1864G>C, r.1864g>c, p.Ala622Pro
Original code   P55
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7712
Feature           /change: c -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1532
Feature           /codon: cgt -> agt; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 474
Feature           /change: R -> S
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8156
Feature           /change: g -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1976
Feature           /codon: gca -> cca; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 622
Feature           /change: A -> P
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Hepatomegaly;
Age             0.2
WBC             5.6
IgG             1.42
IgM             0.01
CD3             0.5
CD4             0.7
ID              R507W(1),R561C(2); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0024
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1631C>T, c.1631C>T, p.R507W
Systematic name Allele 2: g.1793C>T, c.1793C>T, p.R561C
Original code   P19
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            01-Mar-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 4)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1631
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1631
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 507
Feature           /change: R -> W
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1793
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1793
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 561
Feature           /change: R -> C
Diagnosis       Leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Skin rash
Age at onset    3 months
WBC             7.5
Total lymphoc   3.15
Eosin           0.6
IgA             <0.03
IgE             n.d.
IgG             8.58
IgM             0.07
CD3             4
CD4             5
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             56
CD16            83
CD19/CD20       3
DR              18
PHA             1
MFT             n.d.
ID              W522C(1),E722K(3); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0018
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1678G>T, c.1678G>T, p.W522C
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2276G>A, c.2276G>A, p.E722K
Original code   P3 ref [1]; P25 ref [2]
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            01-Mar-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 10701853 
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Bozzi, F., Sobacchi, C., Strina, D., Fasth, 
RefAuthors      A., Pasic, S., Notarangelo, L. D., Vezzoni, P. 
RefTitle        Prenatal diagnosis of RAG-deficient Omenn syndrome
RefLoc          Prenat. Diagn. 20:56-59 (2000)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1678
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1678
Feature           /codon: tgg -> tgt; 3
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 522
Feature           /change: W -> C
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2276
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2276
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 722
Feature           /change: E -> K
Diagnosis       Leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia; 
Symptoms        Hepatomegaly; Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    1.5 month
WBC             8.0
Total lymphoc   1.12
Eosin           3.84
IgA             0.16
IgE             5 kU/I
IgG             1.20
IgM             0.17
CD3             39
CD4             34
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             16
CD16            39
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              22
PHA             12
MFT             n.d.
ID              W522C(3),R973C(1); standard; MUTATION; ,BV
Accession       R0094
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7858G>T, c.1566G>T, r.1566g>u, p.Trp522Cys
Systematic name Allele 2: g.9209C>T, c.2917C>T, r.2917c>u, p.Arg973Cys
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the BV domain
Date            21-Aug-2013 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            21-Aug-2013 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (21-Aug-2013) to RAG1base.
RefLoc          MONICA MARTINEZ GALLO; Pg. Vall d'Hebron 119-129. 08035
RefLoc          -Barcelona- SPAIN ; Tel  +34 93 2746100 ext  6983; e-mail
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7858
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1678
Feature           /codon: tgg -> tgt; 3
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 522
Feature           /change: W -> C
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 9209
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 3029
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 973
Feature           /change: R -> C
Feature           /domain: BV
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           Haemolytic anemia
Age             1
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Spain
Family history  De novo
Relative        Heterozygous father and brother c.1566G>T. Mother without
Relative        variations.
WBC             7100
Total lymphoc   1280
Eosinophils     100
IgA             54
IgE             148
IgG             1055
IgM             236
CD3             35
CD4             22
CD4+CD45RA+     10
CD4+CD45R0+     90
CD8             13
CD16            23
CD19            41
DR              65
ID              R559S(2),R897X(2); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0052
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7969G>T, c.1677G>T, r.1677g>u, p.Arg559Ser
Systematic name Allele 2: g.8981C>T, c.2689C>T, r.2689c>u, p.Arg897X
Description     Allele 1: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon
Date            24-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            24-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9885222
RefAuthors      Kumaki, S., Ishii, N., Minegishi, M., Tsuchiya, S., 
RefAuthors      Cosman, D., Sugamura, K., Konno, T.
RefTitle        Functional role of interleukin-4 (IL-4) and IL-7 in the 
RefTitle        development of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency.
RefLoc          Blood 93:607-612 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7969
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1789
Feature           /codon: agg -> agt; 3
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 559
Feature           /change: R -> S
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8981
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2801
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 897
Feature           /change: R -> X
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           recurrent infections, thrombocytopenia, transient neutropenia
Age             4 months
Sex             XX
Family history  Inherited
Eosinophils     9308
IgE             611
IgM             347
ID              R559S(3),R897X(3); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0092
Systematic name Allele 1: g.7969G>T, c.1677G>T, r.1677g>u, p.Arg559Ser
Systematic name Allele 2: g.8981C>T, c.2689C>T, r.2689c>u, p.Arg897X
Original code   Case3
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon
Date            04-Aug-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            04-Aug-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17075247
RefAuthors      Kato, M., Kimura, H., Seki, M., Shimada, A., Hayashi, Y., 
RefAuthors      Morio, T., Kumaki, S., Ishida, Y., Kamachi, Y., Yachie, A.
RefTitle        Omenn syndrome--review of several phenotypes of omenn 
RefTitle        syndrome and RAG1/RAG2 mutations in japan.
RefLoc          Allergol Int:115-119 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7969
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1789
Feature           /codon: agg -> agt; 3
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 559
Feature           /change: R -> S
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8981
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2801
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 897
Feature           /change: R -> X
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Lymphnode swelling; Eczema; Eosinophilia; IgE elevation;
Age             4 mo
Ethnic origin   Japan
ID              R561H(1),R561H(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0004
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1794G>A, c.1794G>A, p.R561H
Original code   R.C. ref [1]; OS2 ref [2]; P35 ref [3]
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 3 leading to
Description     amino acid change in RAG-2 interaction domain
Date            22-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9394797 
RefAuthors      Brugnoni, D., Airo, P., Facchetti, F., Blanzuoli, L.,
RefAuthors      Ugazio, A.G., Cattaneo, R., Notarangelo, L.D.
RefTitle        In vitro cell death of activated lymphocytes in Omenn's 
RefTitle        syndrome
RefLoc          Eur. J. Immunol. 27:2765-2773 (1997)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9630231
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Santagata, S., Bozzi, F., Giliani, S., 
RefAuthors      Frattini, A., Imberti, L., Gatta, L. B., Ochs, H. D., 
RefAuthors      Schwarz, K., Notarangelo, L. D., Vezzoni, P., 
RefAuthors      Spanopoulou, E.
RefTitle        Partial V(D)J recombination activity leads to Omenn
RefTitle        syndrome
RefLoc          Cell 93:885-96 (1998)
RefNumber       [3]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0005
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1794
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1794
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 561
Feature           /change: R -> H
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1794
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1794
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 561
Feature           /change: R -> H
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; 
Symptoms        Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; 
Symptoms        Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    1 month
WBC             12.0
Total lymphoc   0.72
Eosin           4.54
IgA             <0.06
IgE             190 kU/I
IgG             2.28
IgM             0.09
CD3             34
CD4             32
CD45RA          4
CD45R0          97
CD8             24
CD16            43
CD19/CD20       2
DR              27
PHA             5.7
MFT             -
ID              R561C(1),R737H(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0009
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1793C>T, c.1793C>T, p.R561C
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2322G>A, c.2322G>A, p.R737H
Original code   OS7 ref [1]; P37 ref [2]
Description     Allele 1; missense mutation in the exon 2 leading to amino
Description     acid change in  RAG-2 interaction domain
Description     Allele 2; missense mutation in the exon 2 leading to amino
Description     acid change in active core domain
Date            22-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 4)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9630231
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Santagata, S., Bozzi, F., Giliani, S., 
RefAuthors      Frattini, A., Imberti, L., Gatta, L. B., Ochs, H. D., 
RefAuthors      Schwarz, K., Notarangelo, L. D., Vezzoni, P., 
RefAuthors      Spanopoulou, E.
RefTitle        Partial V(D)J recombination activity leads to Omenn
RefTitle        syndrome
RefLoc          Cell 93:885-96 (1998)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0010
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0011
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1793
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1793
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 561
Feature           /change: R -> C
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2322
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2322
Feature           /codon: cgt -> cat; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 737
Feature           /change: R -> H
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia;
Symptoms        Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; 
Symptoms        Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    1 month
WBC             26.4
Total lymphoc   9.5
Eosin           5.2
IgA             0.62
IgE             45000 kU/I
IgG             7.55 maternally-derived
IgM             0.33
CD3             54
CD4             48
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             17
CD16            n.d.
CD19/CD20       2
DR              74
PHA             2.5
MFT             -
ID              R561H(2),R561H(2); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0050
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.7974G>A, c.1682G>A, r.1682g>a,
Systematic name p.Arg561His
Original code   P27
Description     Allele 1 and 2: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            24-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            24-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11313270
RefAuthors      Corneo, B., Moshous, D., Gungor, T., Wulffraat, N., 
RefAuthors      Philippet, P., Le Deist, F. L., Fischer, A., de Villartay, 
RefAuthors      J. P.
RefTitle        Identical mutations in RAG1 or RAG2 genes leading to 
RefTitle        defective V(D)J recombinase activity can cause either T-B-
RefTitle        severe combined immune deficiency or omenn syndrome.
RefLoc          Blood 97:2772-2776 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7974
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1794
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 561
Feature           /change: R -> H
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7974
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1794
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 561
Feature           /change: R -> H
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
ID              R561H(3),R561H(3); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0058
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.7974G>A, c.1682G>A, r.1682g>a,
Systematic name p.Arg561His
Original code   P1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16211094
RefAuthors      Ehl, S., Schwarz, K., Enders, A., Duffner, U., Pannicke, 
RefAuthors      U., Kuhr, J., Mascart, F., Schmitt-Graeff, A., Niemeyer, 
RefAuthors      C., Fisch, P.
RefTitle        A variant of SCID with specific immune responses and 
RefTitle        predominance of gamma delta T cells.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest:3140-3148 (2005)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7974
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1794
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 561
Feature           /change: R -> H
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7974
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1794
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 561
Feature           /change: R -> H
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Pneumonia;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           perforated otitis media, bronchopneumonia, oral and genital candida infections, Coombs-positive anemia, neutropenia, lymphopenia, thymus reduced in size
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Turkey
Total lymphoc   0.4-0.83
Eosinophils     0.420
IgA             1.4
IgG             16.7
IgM             2.6
Comment         Diagnosis: SCID with specific immune responses
ID              A565D(1),A565D(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0057
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.7986G>A, c.1694G>A, r.1694g>a,
Systematic name p.Ala565Asp
Original code   Patient
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16211094
RefAuthors      Ehl, S., Schwarz, K., Enders, A., Duffner, U., Pannicke, 
RefAuthors      U., Kuhr, J., Mascart, F., Schmitt-Graeff, A., Niemeyer, 
RefAuthors      C., Fisch, P.
RefTitle        A variant of SCID with specific immune responses and 
RefTitle        predominance of gamma delta T cells.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest:3140-3148 (2005)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7986
Feature           /change: c -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1806
Feature           /codon: gct -> gat; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 565
Feature           /change: A -> D
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7986
Feature           /change: c -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1806
Feature           /codon: gct -> gat; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 565
Feature           /change: A -> D
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           upper respiratory infections, otitis media, sepsis due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, moderate anemia, markedly elevated level of soluble interleukin-2 receptor, absence of peripheral B cells, marked increase of CD4+ and CD8+,lymphocytic infiltration in the upper dermis, occasional eosinophils and destruction of epidermal-dermal junction
Age             0,1
Ethnic origin   Japan
Eosinophils     21,8
IgA             <0.01
IgE             <2
IgG             1.48
IgM             0.02
ID              Y589X(1),Y589X(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0026
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1879C>G, c.1879C>G, p.Y589X
Original code   P2
Description     Allele 1 and 2; nonsense mutation in the exon 2 leading 
Description     to stop codon and premature termination
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 2)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1879
Feature           /change: c -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1879
Feature           /codon: tac -> tag; 3
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 589
Feature           /change: Y -> X
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1879
Feature           /change: c -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1879
Feature           /codon: tac -> tag; 3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 589
Feature           /change: Y -> X
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Pneumonia; Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    2 months
WBC             2.1
Total lymphoc   0.12
Eosin           0
IgA             0.31
IgE             n.d.
IgG             1.69
IgM             0.01
CD3             <1
CD4             <1
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             <1
CD16            80
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              17
PHA             n.d.
MFT             n.d.
ID              Y589X(2),Y589X(2); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0069
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.8059C>G, c.1767C>G, r.1767c>g, p.Tyr589X
Original code   P52
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8059
Feature           /change: c -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1879
Feature           /codon: tac -> tag; 3
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 589
Feature           /change: Y -> X
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8059
Feature           /change: c -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1879
Feature           /codon: tac -> tag; 3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 589
Feature           /change: Y -> X
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Hepatomegaly;
Age             0.2
IgA             <0.07
IgG             1.4
IgM             <0.1
CD4             1
CD8             28
ID              C602W(1),C602W(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0079
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.8098T>G, c.1806T>G, r.1806u>g,
Systematic name p.Cys602Trp
Original code   P64
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8098
Feature           /change: t -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1918
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tgg; 3
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 602
Feature           /change: C -> W
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8098
Feature           /change: t -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1918
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tgg; 3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 602
Feature           /change: C -> W
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
ID              M605I(1),R561C(4); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0095
Systematic name Allele 1: g.8107G>C, c.1815G>C, r.1815g>c, p.Met605Ile
Systematic name Allele 2: g.7973C>T, c.1681C>T, r.1681c>u, p.Arg561Cys
Original code   PID4
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            28-Feb-2019 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            28-Feb-2019 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (28-Feb-2019) to RAG1base.
RefLoc          GIGLIOLA DI MATTEO; Via Montpellier, 1; Tel +390672596492;
RefLoc          e-mail
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8107
Feature           /change: g -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1927
Feature           /codon: atg -> atc; 3
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 605
Feature           /change: M -> I
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7973
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1793
Feature           /codon: cgc -> tgc; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 561
Feature           /change: R -> C
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Age             2 months
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italia
Family history  Inherited
ID              #K621X630(1),R410Q(2); standard; MUTATION; ,INV
Accession       R0097
Systematic name Allele 1: g.8155delG, c.1863delG, r.1863delg, p.Ala622fsX9
Systematic name Allele 2: g.7521G>A, c.1229G>A, r.1229g>a, p.Arg410Gln
Original code   PID20
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 2
Description     leading to a premature stop codon
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the INV domain
Date            28-Feb-2019 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            28-Feb-2019 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (28-Feb-2019) to RAG1base.
RefLoc          GIGLIOLA DI MATTEO; Via Montpellier, 1; Tel +390672596492;
RefLoc          e-mail
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8155
Feature           /change: -g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1975
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 621
Feature           /change: K -> KQSVFHSQSX
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 7521
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1341
Feature           /codon: cgg -> cag; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 410
Feature           /change: R -> Q
Feature           /domain: INV
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Age             1,8
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Italia
Family history  Not known
ID              R624H(1),R897X(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0003
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1983G>A, c.1983G>A, p.R624H
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2801C>T, c.2801C>T, p.R897X
Original code   P4 ref [1]; P12 ref [2]
Description     Allele 1; missense mutation in the exon 2
Description     Allele 2; nonsense mutation in the exon 2 leading to stop   
Description     codon and premature termination
Date            19-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 4)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 8810255 
RefAuthors      Schwarz, K., Gauss, G. H., Ludwig, L., Pannicke, U., Li, 
RefAuthors      Z., Lindner, D., Friedrich, W., Seger, R. A., Hansen-Hagge, 
RefAuthors      T. E., Desiderio, S., Lieber, M. R., Bartram, C. R.
RefTitle        RAG mutations in human B cell-negative SCID
RefLoc          Science 274:97-99 (1996)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
DB CrossRef     
DB CrossRef     SWISS-PROT; P15918:[624_624]
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 1983
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 1983
Feature           /codon: cgt -> cat; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 624
Feature           /change: R -> H
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2801
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2801
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 897
Feature           /change: R -> X
Diagnosis       Combined immunodeficiency with maternal fetal transfusion
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Pneumonia; Lymphoadenopathy
Age at onset    n.a.
Sex             XY
Family history  inherited
WBC             6.0
Total lymphoc   2.1
Eosin           0.3
IgA             0.32
IgE             n.d.
IgG             6.18 maternally-derived
IgM             0.51
CD3             15
CD4             4
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             16
CD16            67
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              n.d.
PHA             29
MFT             +
ID              R624H(2),K992E(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0048
Systematic name Allele 1: g.8163G>A, c.1871G>A, r.1871g>a, p.Arg624His
Systematic name Allele 2: g.9266A>G, c.2974A>G, r.2974a>g, p.Lys992Glu
Original code   OM7
Description     Allele 1: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11313270
RefAuthors      Corneo, B., Moshous, D., Gungor, T., Wulffraat, N., 
RefAuthors      Philippet, P., Le Deist, F. L., Fischer, A., de Villartay, 
RefAuthors      J. P.
RefTitle        Identical mutations in RAG1 or RAG2 genes leading to 
RefTitle        defective V(D)J recombinase activity can cause either T-B-
RefTitle        severe combined immune deficiency or omenn syndrome.
RefLoc          Blood 97:2772-2776 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8163
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1983
Feature           /codon: cgt -> cat; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 624
Feature           /change: R -> H
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 9266
Feature           /change: a -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 3086
Feature           /codon: aaa -> gaa; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 992
Feature           /change: K -> E
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           eosinophilia
Age             5 month
Sex             XX
Family history  Inherited
Total lymphoc   1500
Eosinophils     500
IgE             >1000
CD19            0
ID              #P649X671(1),?; standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0070
Systematic name Allele 1: g.8239delT, c.1947delT, r.1947delu, p.Asn650fsX22
Original code   P53
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 2
Description     leading to a premature stop codon
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8239
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2059
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 649
Feature           /change: P -> PTLNCVASHC ALCWQMSLTT RRX
Diagnosis       Leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           generalised oedema
Age             0.5
WBC             8.8
IgA             0.99
IgE             3.65
IgG             10.2
IgM             <0.17
CD3             6
CD4             5
CD8             2
Comment         Leaky T-B-SCID with Guillain-Barre Syndrome
ID              #H668X671(1),#H668X671(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0056
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.8294delC, c.2002delC, r.2002delc,
Systematic name p.His668fsX4
Original code   Patient
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     2 leading to a premature stop codon
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 15845893
RefAuthors      Wada, T., Toma, T., Okamoto, H., Kasahara, Y., Koizumi, 
RefAuthors      S., Agematsu, K., Kimura, H., Shimada, A., Hayashi, Y., 
RefAuthors      Kato, M., Yachie, A.
RefTitle        Oligoclonal expansion of T lymphocytes with multiple 
RefTitle        second-site mutations leads to omenn syndrome in a patient 
RefTitle        with RAG1-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency.
RefLoc          Blood:2099-2101 (2005)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8294
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2114
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 668
Feature           /change: H -> TRRX
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8294
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2114
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 668
Feature           /change: H -> TRRX
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           upper respiratory infections, otitis media, sepsis due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, moderate anemia, markedly elevated level of soluble interleukin-2 receptor, absence of peripheral B cells, marked increase of CD4+ and CD8+,lymphocytic infiltration in the upper dermis, occasional eosinophils and destruction of epidermal-dermal junction
Age             0,1
Ethnic origin   Japan
Eosinophils     21,8
IgA             <0.01
IgE             <2
IgG             1.48
IgM             0.02
ID              E669G(1),C900X(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0033
Systematic name Allele 1: g.2118A>G, c.2118A>G, p.E669G
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2812C>A, c.2812C>A, p.C900X
Original code   P32
Description     Allele 1; missense mutation in the exon 2
Description     Allele 2; nonsense mutation in the exon 2 leading 
Description     to stop codon and premature termination
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 2)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2118
Feature           /change: a -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2118
Feature           /codon: gag -> ggg; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 669
Feature           /change: E -> G
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2812
Feature           /change: c -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2812
Feature           /codon: tgc -> tga; 3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 900
Feature           /change: C -> X
Diagnosis       Omenn syndrome
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia; 
Symptoms        Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; Protracted 
Symptoms        diarrhea
Age at onset    3 months
WBC             20.5
Total lymphoc   15.17
Eosin           2.46
IgA             <1
IgE             817 kU/I
IgG             <1.3
IgM             1.5
CD3             93
CD4             11
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             85
CD16            11
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              n.d.
PHA             110
MFT             -
ID              #L690X708(1),#L690X708(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0017
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.2182_2189delAATGCTTG, 
Systematic name c.2182_2189delAATGCTTG, p.L690fsX708
Original code   P6
Description     Allele 1 and 2; frameshift deletion in the exon 2 leading 
Description     to frameshift and premature termination
Date            01-Mar-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2182..2189
Feature           /change: -aatgcttg
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2182..2189
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 690..693
Feature           /change: LMLE -> LAGRHSPDFQ VHLQGHRLX
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2182..2189
Feature           /change: -aatgcttg
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2182..2189
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 690..693
Feature           /change: LMLE -> LAGRHSPDFQ VHLQGHRLX
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Hepatomegaly; Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    1 month
WBC             9.0
Total lymphoc   0.04
Eosin           <.05
IgA             <0.3
IgE             n.d.
IgG             3
IgM             <0.4
CD3             <1
CD4             <1
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             <1
CD16            73
CD19/CD20       1
DR              10
PHA             1
MFT             n.d.
ID              G707R(1),#T173X200(7); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0104
Systematic name Allele 1: g.8411G>C, c.2119G>C, r.2119g>c, p.Gly707Arg
Systematic name Allele 2: g.6811delT, c.519delT, r.519delu, p.Glu174fsX27
Original code   PID39
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 2
Description     leading to a premature stop codon
Date            28-Feb-2019 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            28-Feb-2019 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (28-Feb-2019) to RAG1base.
RefLoc          GIGLIOLA DI MATTEO; Via Montpellier, 1; Tel +390672596492;
RefLoc          e-mail
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8411
Feature           /change: g -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2231
Feature           /codon: ggc -> cgc; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 707
Feature           /change: G -> R
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 6811
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 631
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 173
Feature           /change: T -> TSSAITAGAS CTGSLAVPHV RFTSRGTX
Diagnosis       Leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Age             1,1
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italia
Family history  Not known
ID              G709D(1),G709D(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0068
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.8418G>A, c.2126G>A, r.2126g>a,
Systematic name p.Gly709Asp
Original code   P51
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8418
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2238
Feature           /codon: ggc -> gac; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 709
Feature           /change: G -> D
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8418
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2238
Feature           /codon: ggc -> gac; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 709
Feature           /change: G -> D
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Age             0.25
WBC             13.9
IgA             <0.24
IgE             25
IgG             <1.4
IgM             <0.17
CD3             21.1
CD4             20.5
CD8             21.4
ID              E722K(1),E774X(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0001
Systematic name Allele 1: g.2276G>A, c.2276G>A, p.E722K
Systematic name Allele 2: g.2432G>T, c.2432G>T, p.E774X
Original code   P1 ref [1]; P3 ref [2]
Description     Allele 1; missense mutation in the exon 2 
Description     Allele 2; nonsense mutation  in the exon 2 leading to
Description     stop codon and premature termination
Date            19-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 8810255 
RefAuthors      Schwarz, K., Gauss, G. H., Ludwig, L., Pannicke, U., Li, 
RefAuthors      Z., Lindner, D., Friedrich, W., Seger, R. A., Hansen-Hagge, 
RefAuthors      T. E., Desiderio, S., Lieber, M. R., Bartram, C. R.
RefTitle        RAG mutations in human B cell-negative SCID
RefLoc          Science 274:97-99 (1996)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0001
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0002
DB CrossRef     
DB CrossRef     SWISS-PROT; P15918:[722_722]
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2276
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2276
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 722
Feature           /change: E -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2432
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2432
Feature           /codon: gaa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 774
Feature           /change: E -> X
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Pneumonia
Age at onset    1.5 month
Sex             XY
Family history  inherited
Parents         consanguineous
WBC             3.5
Total lymphoc   0.35
Eosin           0.17
IgA             <0.05
IgE             n.d.
IgG             subst.
IgM             0.15
CD3             2
CD4             <1
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             <1
CD16            90
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              n.d.
PHA             5
MFT             -
ID              Y728H(1),R624H(4); standard; MUTATION; ZFB,
Accession       R0102
Systematic name Allele 1: g.8474T>C, c.2182T>C, r.2182u>c, p.Tyr728His
Systematic name Allele 2: g.8163G>A, c.1871G>A, r.1871g>a, p.Arg624His
Original code   PID51
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the ZFB domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            28-Feb-2019 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            28-Feb-2019 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (28-Feb-2019) to RAG1base.
RefLoc          GIGLIOLA DI MATTEO; Via Montpellier, 1; Tel +390672596492;
RefLoc          e-mail
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8474
Feature           /change: t -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2294
Feature           /codon: tac -> cac; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 728
Feature           /change: Y -> H
Feature           /domain: ZFB
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8163
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 1983
Feature           /codon: cgt -> cat; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 624
Feature           /change: R -> H
Diagnosis       Leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Age             10
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italia
Family history  Inherited
ID              L732F(1),L732F(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0042
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.8486C>T, c.2194C>T, r.2194c>u,
Systematic name p.Leu732Phe
Original code   OM1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11313270
RefAuthors      Corneo, B., Moshous, D., Gungor, T., Wulffraat, N., 
RefAuthors      Philippet, P., Le Deist, F. L., Fischer, A., de Villartay, 
RefAuthors      J. P.
RefTitle        Identical mutations in RAG1 or RAG2 genes leading to 
RefTitle        defective V(D)J recombinase activity can cause either T-B-
RefTitle        severe combined immune deficiency or omenn syndrome.
RefLoc          Blood 97:2772-2776 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8486
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2306
Feature           /codon: ctt -> ttt; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 732
Feature           /change: L -> F
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8486
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2306
Feature           /codon: ctt -> ttt; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 732
Feature           /change: L -> F
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           eosinophilia
Sex             XX
Family history  Inherited
Parents         consanguineous
Total lymphoc   8160
Eosinophils     952
IgE             215
CD19            0
ID              R776Q(1),#A979-1(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0083
Systematic name Allele 1: g.8619G>A, c.2327G>A, r.2327g>a,
Systematic name p.Arg776Gln
Systematic name Allele 2: g.9227_9229delGCC, c.2935_2937delGCC,
Systematic name r.2935_2937delgcc, p.Ala979del
Original code   Case1
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: An inframe deletion in the exon 2 leading
Description     to an amino acid change
Date            16-Jun-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-Jun-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 19458910
RefAuthors      Karaca, N. E., Aksu, G., Genel, F., Gulez, N., Can, S., 
RefAuthors      Aydinok, Y., Aksoylar, S., Karaca, E., Altuglu, I., 
RefAuthors      Kutukculer, N.
RefTitle        Diverse phenotypic and genotypic presentation of RAG1 
RefTitle        mutations in two cases with SCID.
RefLoc          Clin Exp Med:339-342 (2009)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8619
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2439
Feature           /codon: cgg -> cag; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 776
Feature           /change: R -> Q
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 9227..9229
Feature           /change: -gcc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: inframe deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 3047..3049
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion; inframe
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 979
Feature           /change: -A
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Hepatomegaly; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           BCG adenitis
Age             1.1
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Turkey
IgA             <0.06
IgG             <1.54
IgM             <0.16
ID              R778G(1),K992R(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0077
Systematic name Allele 1: g.8624C>G, c.2332C>G, r.2332c>g, p.Arg778Gly
Systematic name Allele 2: g.9267A>G, c.2975A>G, r.2975a>g, p.Lys992Arg
Original code   P62
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8624
Feature           /change: c -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2444
Feature           /codon: cgg -> ggg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 778
Feature           /change: R -> G
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 9267
Feature           /change: a -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 3087
Feature           /codon: aaa -> aga; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 992
Feature           /change: K -> R
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
ID              R778Q(1),R975W(1); standard; MUTATION; ,BV
Accession       R0089
Systematic name Allele 1: g.8625G>A, c.2333G>A, r.2333g>a, p.Arg778Gln
Systematic name Allele 2: g.9215C>T, c.2923C>T, r.2923c>u, p.Arg975Trp
Original code   P.2
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the BV domain
Date            29-Jul-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            29-Jul-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 18463379
RefAuthors      Schuetz, C., Huck, K., Gudowius, S., Megahed, M., Feyen, 
RefAuthors      O., Hubner, B., Schneider, D. T., Manfras, B., Pannicke, 
RefAuthors      U., Willemze, R., Knuchel, R., Gobel, U., Schulz, A., 
RefAuthors      Borkhardt, A., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K., Niehues, T.
RefTitle        An immunodeficiency disease with RAG mutations and 
RefTitle        granulomas.
RefLoc          N Engl J Med:2030-2038 (2008)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8625
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2445
Feature           /codon: cgg -> cag; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 778
Feature           /change: R -> Q
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 9215
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 3035
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 975
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: BV
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Skin lesions; Recurrent broncho-pneumonia; Severe
Symptoms        varicella infection in infancy; Vaccine-induced measles;
Age             7.8
Sex             XX
IgA             36-135 mg/dl
IgG             500-1360 mg/dl
IgM             72-190 mg/dl
Comment         Patient had received stem-cell transplantation from a
Comment         matched unrelated donor.
ID              R778W(1),R778W(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0073
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.8624C>T, c.2332C>T, r.2332c>u,
Systematic name p.Arg778Trp
Original code   P58
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8624
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2444
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 778
Feature           /change: R -> W
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8624
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2444
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 778
Feature           /change: R -> W
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Age             0
Sex             XX
ID              R841W(2),R841W(2); standard; MUTATION; BIV,BIV
Accession       R0061
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.8813C>T, c.2521C>T, r.2521c>u,
Systematic name p.Arg841Trp
Original code   P3
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the BIV domain
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16276422
RefAuthors      de Villartay, J. P., Lim, A., Al-Mousa, H., Dupont, S., 
RefAuthors      Dechanet-Merville, J., Coumau-Gatbois, E., Gougeon, M. L., 
RefAuthors      Lemainque, A., Eidenschenk, C., Jouanguy, E., Abel, L., 
RefAuthors      Casanova, J. L., Fischer, A., Le Deist, F.
RefTitle        A novel immunodeficiency associated with hypomorphic RAG1 
RefTitle        mutations and CMV infection.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest:3291-3299 (2005)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8813
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2633
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 841
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: BIV
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8813
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2633
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 841
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: BIV
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Pneumonia;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           severe persistent CMV infection, anemia, hepatosplenomegaly
Age             0,5
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Lebanon
Total lymphoc   3-5
Eosinophils     0.06-0.1
IgA             0.38-0.48
IgG             6.5-12.2
IgM             0.07-0.85
CD3             68-81
CD4             6-9
CD8             4-10
CD19            4
Comment         Diagnosis: immunodeficiency with gamma-delta-T cell
Comment         expansion and autoimmunity
ID              R841W(3),R841W(3); standard; MUTATION; BIV,BIV
Accession       R0085
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.8813C>T, c.2521C>T, r.2521c>u,
Systematic name p.Arg841Trp
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the BIV domain
Date            16-Jun-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-Jun-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED;  19246248
RefAuthors      McCusker, C., Hotte, S., Le Deist, F., Hirschfeld, A. F., 
RefAuthors      Mitchell, D., Nguyen, V. H., Gagnon, R., Mazer, B., 
RefAuthors      Turvey, S. E., Jabado, N.
RefTitle        Relative CD4 lymphopenia and a skewed memory phenotype are 
RefTitle        the main immunologic abnormalities in a child with omenn 
RefTitle        syndrome due to homozygous RAG1-C2633T hypomorphic 
RefTitle        mutation.
RefLoc          Clin Immunol:447-455 (2009)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8813
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2633
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 841
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: BIV
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8813
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2633
Feature           /codon: cgg -> tgg; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 841
Feature           /change: R -> W
Feature           /domain: BIV
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           alopecia
Age             0.9
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Canada
Relative        mother heterozygous carrier of 2633 c>t and homozygous of
Relative        SNP 2571 a/g
Relative        father heterozygous carrier of 2633 c>t and SNP 2571 a/g
Total lymphoc   3,300
Eosinophils     1,500
IgA             0.013
IgG             0.0989
IgM             0.0064
Comment         SNP at 2571 a/g
ID              N855I(1),N855I(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0029
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.2676A>T, c.2676A>T, p.N855I
Original code   P11
Description     Allele 1 and 2; missense mutation in the exon 2
Date            21-Mar-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 2)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2676
Feature           /change: a -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2676
Feature           /codon: aac -> atc; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 855
Feature           /change: N -> I
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2676
Feature           /change: a -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2676
Feature           /codon: aac -> atc; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 855
Feature           /change: N -> I
Diagnosis       Combined immunodeficiency with maternal fetal transfusion
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Protracted diarrhea
Age at onset    2 weeks
WBC             3.6
Total lymphoc   0.55
Eosin           0.18
IgA             <0.05
IgE             <5 kU/I
IgG             1.1
IgM             <0.05
CD3             7
CD4             n.a.
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             31
CD16            75
CD19/CD20       1
DR              25
PHA             0.2
MFT             +
ID              L872X(1),L872X(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0010
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.2727T>A, c.2727T>A, p.L872X
Original code   P5
Description     Allele 1 and 2; nonsense mutation in the exon 2 
Description     leading to stop codon and premature termination
Date            24-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2727
Feature           /change: t -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2727
Feature           /codon: tta -> taa; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 872
Feature           /change: L -> X
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2727
Feature           /change: t -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2727
Feature           /codon: tta -> taa; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 872
Feature           /change: L -> X
Diagnosis       T and B cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Failure to thrive
Age at onset    2 months
WBC             n.a.
Total lymphoc   n.a.
Eosin           n.a.
IgA             n.a.
IgE             n.a.
IgG             n.a.
IgM             <0.01
CD3             <5
CD4             n.d.
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             n.d.
CD16            n.d.
CD19/CD20       <5
DR              n.d.
PHA             1
MFT             -
ID              W896R(1),W896R(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0055
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.8978T>C, c.2686T>C, r.2686u>c,
Systematic name p.Trp896Arg
Description     Allele 1 and 2: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            18-Jan-2006 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            18-Jan-2006 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16061569
RefAuthors      Zhang, J., Quintal, L., Atkinson, A., Williams, B., 
RefAuthors      Grunebaum, E., Roifman, C. M.
RefTitle        Novel RAG1 mutation in a case of severe combined 
RefTitle        immunodeficiency.
RefLoc          Pediatrics 116:e445-449 (2005)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8978
Feature           /change: t -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2798
Feature           /codon: tgg -> cgg; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 896
Feature           /change: W -> R
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 8978
Feature           /change: t -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2798
Feature           /codon: tgg -> cgg; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 896
Feature           /change: W -> R
Diagnosis       Leaky severe combined immunodeficiency
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           pneumonitis
Age             4,5 mo
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Pakistani
Family history  Inherited
Comment         Patient died shortly after BMT as a result of overwhelming
Comment         cytomegalovirus infection
ID              Y938X(1),Y938X(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0002
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.2926T>G, c.2926T>G, p.Y938X
Original code   P2 ref [1]; P14 ref [2]
Description     Allele 1 and 2; nonsense mutation in the exon 2 leading  
Description     to stop codon and premature termination
Date            19-Feb-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 8810255 
RefAuthors      Schwarz, K., Gauss, G. H., Ludwig, L., Pannicke, U., Li, 
RefAuthors      Z., Lindner, D., Friedrich, W., Seger, R. A., Hansen-Hagge,
RefAuthors      T. E., Desiderio, S., Lieber, M. R., Bartram, C. R.
RefTitle        RAG mutations in human B cell-negative SCID
RefLoc          Science 274:97-99 (1996)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 179615.0003
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2926
Feature           /change: t -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2926
Feature           /codon: tat -> tag; 3
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 938
Feature           /change: Y -> X
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2926
Feature           /change: t -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2926
Feature           /codon: tat -> tag; 3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 938
Feature           /change: Y -> X
Diagnosis       Combined immunodeficiency with maternal fetal transfusion
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; 
Symptoms        Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; Protracted 
Symptoms        diarrhea
Age at onset    1 month
Sex             XX
Family history  inherited
Parents         consanguineous
WBC             5.0
Total lymphoc   1.5
Eosin           2.0
IgA             <0.05
IgE             2.7 kU/I
IgG             <2.5
IgM             <0.05
CD3             15
CD4             4
CD45RA          n.d.
CD45R0          n.d.
CD8             10
CD16            67
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              n.d.
PHA             28
MFT             +
ID              I956T(1),I956T(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0067
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.9159T>C, c.2867T>C, r.2867u>c,
Systematic name p.Ile956Thr
Original code   P50
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16960852
RefAuthors      Sobacchi, C., Marrella, V., Rucci, F., Vezzoni, P., Villa, 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        RAG-dependent primary immunodeficiencies.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat:1174-1184 (2006)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 9159
Feature           /change: t -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2979
Feature           /codon: att -> act; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 956
Feature           /change: I -> T
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 9159
Feature           /change: t -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 2979
Feature           /codon: att -> act; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 956
Feature           /change: I -> T
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Skin rash; Pneumonia;
Symptoms           Lymphoadenopathy; Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; Protracted
Symptoms           diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           Recurrent URTI, Generalised oedema
Age             0.1
WBC             33.5
IgA             0.13
IgG             8.46
IgM             2.13
CD3             12.2
CD4             5.96
CD8             6.82
ID              W959X(1),W959X(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0016
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.2988G>A, c.2988G>A, p.W959X
Original code   P13
Description     Allele 1 and 2; nonsense mutation leading to stop codon 
Description     and premature termination 
Date            01-Mar-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-Jan-2001 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 3)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11133745
RefAuthors      Villa, A., Sobacchi, C., Notarangelo, L. D., Bozzi, F., 
RefAuthors      Abinun, M., Abrahamsen, T. G., Arkwright, P. D., Baniyash,
RefAuthors      M., Brooks, E. G., Conley, M. E., Cortes, P., Duse, M., 
RefAuthors      Fasth, A., Filipovich, A. M., Infante, A. J., Jones, A., 
RefAuthors      Mazzolari, E., Muller, S. M., Pasic, S., Rechavi, G., 
RefAuthors      Sacco, M. G., Santagata, S., Schroeder, M. L., Seger, R., 
RefAuthors      Strina, D., Ugazio, A., Valiaho, J., Vihinen, M., Vogler, 
RefAuthors      L. B., Ochs, H., Vezzoni, P., Friedrich, W., Schwarz, K.
RefTitle        V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG 
RefTitle        mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of 
RefTitle        clinical presentations
RefLoc          Blood 97:81-88 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2988
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2988
Feature           /codon: tgg -> tag; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 959
Feature           /change: W -> X
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: HSRAG1: 2988
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; g131827; HSRAG1: 2988
Feature           /codon: tgg -> tag; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P15918; RAG1_HUMAN: 959
Feature           /change: W -> X
Diagnosis       Combined immunodeficiency with maternal fetal transfusion
Symptoms        Failure to thrive; Skin rash; Pneumonia; Lymphoadenopathy
Age at onset    2 weeks
WBC             15
Total lymphoc   10.5
Eosin           0.15
IgA             0.18
IgE             n.d.
IgG             40
IgM             6.41
CD3             15
CD4             10
CD45RA          <5
CD45R0          >95
CD8             11
CD16            19
CD19/CD20       <1
DR              61
PHA             7
MFT             +
ID              R973H(1),R973H(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0043
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.9210G>A, c.2918G>A, r.2918g>a,
Systematic name p.Arg973His
Original code   OM2
Description     Allele 1 and 2: a point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            23-Feb-2005 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 11313270
RefAuthors      Corneo, B., Moshous, D., Gungor, T., Wulffraat, N., 
RefAuthors      Philippet, P., Le Deist, F. L., Fischer, A., de Villartay, 
RefAuthors      J. P.
RefTitle        Identical mutations in RAG1 or RAG2 genes leading to 
RefTitle        defective V(D)J recombinase activity can cause either T-B-
RefTitle        severe combined immune deficiency or omenn syndrome.
RefLoc          Blood 97:2772-2776 (2001)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 9210
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 3030
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 973
Feature           /change: R -> H
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 9210
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 3030
Feature           /codon: cgc -> cac; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 973
Feature           /change: R -> H
Diagnosis       Omenn Syndrome
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Failure to thrive; Erythrodermia; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           eosinophilia
Age at onset    4 month
Sex             XX
Family history  inherited
Parents         consanguineous
Total lymphoc   9500
Eosinophils     1390
IgE             >3000
ID              Q981P(1),Q981P(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       R0060
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.9234A>C, c.2942A>C, r.2942a>c,
Systematic name p.Gln981Pro
Original code   P2
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 2 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 16276422
RefAuthors      de Villartay, J. P., Lim, A., Al-Mousa, H., Dupont, S., 
RefAuthors      Dechanet-Merville, J., Coumau-Gatbois, E., Gougeon, M. L., 
RefAuthors      Lemainque, A., Eidenschenk, C., Jouanguy, E., Abel, L., 
RefAuthors      Casanova, J. L., Fischer, A., Le Deist, F.
RefTitle        A novel immunodeficiency associated with hypomorphic RAG1 
RefTitle        mutations and CMV infection.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest:3291-3299 (2005)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 9234
Feature           /change: a -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 3054
Feature           /codon: cag -> ccg; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 981
Feature           /change: Q -> P
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: RAG1_DNA: 9234
Feature           /change: a -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: M29474; GI:131827; HSRAG1: 3054
Feature           /codon: cag -> ccg; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: RAG1_HUMAN: 981
Feature           /change: Q -> P
Symptoms        Infections:
Symptoms           Pneumonia; Protracted diarrhea;
Symptoms        Others:
Symptoms           severe persistent CMV infection, anemia, neutropenia
Age             0,5
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Morocco
Total lymphoc   3-5
Eosinophils     0.06-0.1
IgA             0.3-1.2
IgG             7-12.4
IgM             2.4-4.26
CD3             47-78
CD4             5-21
CD8             6-16
CD19            3-51
Comment         Diagnosis: immunodeficiency with gamma-delta-T cell
Comment         expansion and autoimmunity